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What Does Your Brand Say About You?

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What Does Your Brand Say About You?
By -> APB
Posted: 2015-08-11T16:23:00Z

The first question here is: What is a brand? As a business owner, you have a relationship with your customers and your brand is a reflection of that. What is your company committed to delivering? Your company’s brand tells customers what to expect from you and is the embodiment of what your business and customers value. This is what a brand is and, ultimately, what your brand says about you.


In determining what your brand is, it is important to determine who you are and what you want people to identify your brand with. It is vital to leave a lasting positive and motivational impression with whoever comes across your business, so what do you want your potential clients to remember about you?


A logo is the representation of a company, person, or organization through a graphic symbol. A successful brand needs only to show their logo in order to be recognized by the masses. Although your logo is what best identifies your brand, your logo is not your brand. Your logo is a minor part of what makes up your brand’s identity. Keep this in mind when determining what your brand says about you.



Over 66% of consumers do online research on a brand and its products before even considering committing to purchase. Make sure that your website is up to date as well as all other media outlets.


  • Message and Images- Is your website consistent with your blog and all other modes of social media? Be sure to give equal attention to all of your web channels, yet tailor your message to the type of crowd that views each outlet. For example, you should not have the same exact material on your company’s Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. This shows that you are consistent as well as adept and professional in all social media outlets.
  • Engagement- Keep your audience interested. Use interactive questions, content, responses, and customer service to set your company apart from your competitors. Brands who use social media effectively receive 21% on average more business than those who don’t.



Imagine your online brand as the virtual storefront of your business. In maintaining a positive, professional, and consistent brand image, your company and you will be on your way to a positive image and, in turn, more business.

